After nearly causing a global apocalypse, the runaway planet was captured in Earth's orbit and became an asset in the world’s new defense system… and an inviting target for an impending alien invasion.People colonize the new satellite and build an advanced military installation, which is used to train a professional team of space Marines. In the first volume of Venera's Fall, a determined and beautiful leader named Revelle begins the military training that prepares her for the daunting space missions ahead and teaches her to cope with a strange new world. Revelle and her team soon discover that their aspirations are very different from the people in charge. A collective space program is the idea being sold, but is that the truth?
261 million kilometers away on a futuristic alien planet called Venera, Queen Aya has held the throne because her people love her, and she is admired by her allies. Everything is perfect until their resources dwindle, and the people face imminent starvation. The only option for maintaining the Veneran civilization’s existence is invasion. The Queen struggles with the idea of taking resources by force - the daunting reality that death and destruction lie between her and the survival of her people.The mind-blowing first book in this YA Science Fiction novella series will test your moral compass; nothing is what it seems, and it will leave you wondering what's next. Page Up and Order Now.